Boost Your Mornings & Workouts, Cut Down on Snacking with “Coffee Breath”

Reading Time: 4 minutes

How do you prefer your coffee or tea?

Milk, oat, almond, cocoa milk, sugar or none, cappuccino, espresso or decaf? How many cups energize your day?

One for a morning start, second one for mid-morning clarity, maybe a third post-lunch for an afternoon boost…

What if You GO for a “Coffee Breath” instead?! I’m calling it “Coffee Breath” because it delivers a powerful effect on your body – just like a coffee or a tea, but without any caffeine or tannins.

This ancient pranayama breathing cleansing practice called ‘Kapalabhati’, increases oxygen delivery to your body, helps with detoxification, gut mobility, it enhances vitality, helps cleanse your lungs and clears stagnant energy and stuck emotions.

It’s like a strong coffee cup, but without jitters, offering immediate energy and alertness boosts.

Make it Your Daily Routine

Imagine a powerful internal massage for your abdominal organs, potentially even reducing some belly fat.

This is a “Breath of Fire” or, as I like to call it, “Coffee Breath,” a playful name for a rhythmic, energizing pranayama practice deeply rooted in yogic traditions.

During my pranayama training, our yoga teachers’ colleage coined “Coffee Breath” for Kapalabhati Kriya, or the “Breath of Fire.”

Coffee breathing originated centuries ago from yogic practices aimed at unlocking latent body energy.

This energetic breath sets you up for action, naturally raising morning cortisol levels at a pace your body can control. Coffee Breath stimulates your “fight or flight” response – typically at 30-60 breaths per minute!

When: In the morning, before sports, but always on an empty stomach, it’s a play between yin and yang, bringing energy down to your abdomen.

How: Using lower abdominal muscles, imagine sneezing a soccer ball out. You exhale through the nose, and the inhale happens naturally. Relax your diaphragm, face, shoulders, spine is straight but – all relaxed.

My fellow breathwork coach lost some belly fat and weight thanks to Coffee breath, cutting her snacking habits.

I also use this breathwork technique sometimes to reduce my sweet tooth.

It’s my go – to morning routine to wake up fully without coffee or tea and before vinyasa yoga practice.

How to perform:

Sit comfortably with a straight but relaxed spine.

Rapidly inhale and exhale through your nose, keeping breaths equal in duration and intensity, about two to three cycles per second.

Always use in moderation and stay safe, because I teach moderate breathing practices.

We can start with 3 series of 20 to 30 breaths.

Intensive practices beyond 10-20 minutes can provoke anxiety and hyperventilation, stressing your body with unnecessary overbreathing.

However, Coffee Breath is not for everyone.

Pregnant women, individuals with serious cardiovascular issues, uncontrolled high blood pressure, serious spinal issues or complicated hernias should avoid it.

Don’t practice right after eating or before bed, as its energizing nature can induce an acid reflux feeling and disrupt your sleep.

Modern Day Life Hack

Imagine a modern yogi in a busy workday.

Instead of another coffee cup, you sit for 3 minutes, eyes closed and you start the “Coffee Breath” practice. This rapid breathing recharges your body, clears fatigue, moves your inner energy, releases stagnant, negative emotions.

Whether as a morning starter or as a midday revitalizer, it’s a reminder of this potent tool within us – our BREATH.

TRY your Coffee Breath Now

To practice, we’ll exhale by engaging muscles of your lower abdomen and force the breath out with a sneezing sensation.

After each sharp exhale, relax and allow the breath to enter on its own.

  • Sit comfortably with a straight spine, on the floor or in a chair, feet grounded.
  • Place your hands on your knees, palms up or down.
  • Close your eyes, if you feel like, take several deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Inhale and exhale through your NOSE. There is a version with an exhale through a mouth but a nose inhale.
  • Here we will practice Nose/Nose on inhale and exhale.
  • With each exhale, draw your lower belly powerfully inward, engage your abdominal muscles.
  • With every inhale, your belly relaxes.
  • To keep a steady tempo try finger snapping or tapping with one hand on your upper leg, it’s helpful to maintant the rhythm.
  • After 2 or 3 rounds, slow down and breathe normally.
  • Reflect quietly how you feel and any new sensation that have emerged.
  • You may experience slight lightheadedness at the start of the practice or ears buzzing, but this will pass quickly. This practice boosts oxygen flow and stimulates circulation and that can sometimes cause temporary pressure changes in ears or sinuses.

Always listen to your body and stay within your safe zone and NOW:

Lets try again: COFFEE BREATHING – Breath of Fire

To begin, take a comfortable seated position.

Close your eyes, chin parallel to the floor, face and shoulders relaxed.

This exercise will wake up and energize your body.

Focus on sharp, strong exhales, relax and allow the inhale to happen on its own. It sounds like this (3 series of 20 breaths exhales)

Let’s begin together…

3, 2, 1 and:

Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale


and 1.

Relax and breathe normally.

Face relaxed, shoulders relaxed, lower abdomen relaxed.

Let’s try again.

3, 2, 1 and:

Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale Exhale

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1.

Relax and breathe normally. Face relaxed, shoulders relaxed, lower abdomen relaxed.

You did it!!! And now, you can still have your coffee, if you must ;-).

Let me know how it went for you? Any new sensations?

To Your Breath!

Embrace Balance. Embrace Yoga.

Suspendisse nibh velit, posuere nec erat ut, blandit fermentum metus. Vivamus interdum sem nibh, a aliquet tellus dapibus sed. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc non finibus nunc. Nulla ullamcorper volutpat velit, et mattis arcu hendrerit quis. Curabitur vel quam semper, feugiat justo in, tempor augue. Etiam sagittis est at faucibus vulputate. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur interdum tellus at fringilla cursus. Donec pulvinar tincidunt ante eu varius.

Donec condimentum sed orci vel aliquet. Nam venenatis nisi ut urna condimentum, non facilisis orci molestie. Curabitur vel sodales felis. Nam in purus elit. Morbi nisl leo, sagittis interdum malesuada eu, tempor at turpis. Aenean ac mauris eget magna sodales blandit. Aenean mattis id dui a mollis.

Nunc ultrices porta dui nec vehicula. Nullam commodo vel eros eu efficitur. Pellentesque ullamcorper mauris eget sollicitudin tempus. Phasellus pulvinar, elit sed ullamcorper accumsan, lectus tortor tempor leo, ac tincidunt augue tortor eget enim.

Unwind the Mind, One Pose at a Time.

Curabitur quis suscipit dolor. Proin quam leo, placerat quis pretium nec, tempus a neque. Nullam ultrices orci et massa vestibulum, ut sodales nunc tempor. Nullam eu vehicula lectus. Nulla accumsan nunc mauris, sed ultricies nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum nec elit pretium, vestibulum orci ut, maximus urna. Maecenas suscipit ex eu sodales finibus. Aenean in faucibus dui, eget imperdiet metus. Donec laoreet enim non lorem condimentum, at sodales diam facilisis. Nullam at lacinia velit, id ornare neque. Vivamus sed sodales ipsum. Sed quam lectus, sagittis non efficitur lobortis, luctus et erat. Sed semper turpis iaculis, interdum orci quis, rutrum ipsum. Nam vitae consequat ante.

Aenean tempor nulla felis, ut volutpat est auctor sit amet. Nam viverra, justo quis tempor tristique, sem sem tempus ligula, nec consequat nunc tellus at lorem. Duis pretium, nulla a faucibus maximus, enim odio pharetra arcu, sed pulvinar elit sem at odio. Phasellus urna sem, euismod a blandit et, convallis in nisi.

Aenean sit amet dui vitae tellus congue malesuada quis hendrerit purus. Aliquam condimentum, elit eu varius feugiat, purus velit pulvinar mauris, id dignissim sapien neque eu orci. Duis in porttitor ligula, vitae accumsan est. Proin non metus in nibh porttitor eleifend vel sit amet erat.

Every Pose, A New Possibility.

Aenean aliquet, sem vel iaculis convallis, tellus est auctor est, nec sagittis augue ipsum ut lectus. Aenean nulla diam, malesuada sed dictum vitae, ullamcorper vitae massa. Nullam a eros rutrum, posuere mauris eget, ullamcorper urna. Morbi ut magna ac leo pulvinar semper ut vel lectus. Nulla ac efficitur ex, non viverra libero. Nam varius lorem quis purus finibus pharetra. Etiam vitae tristique tellus. Nam id dui nec massa pellentesque sagittis eget at metus. Phasellus eget diam nec erat gravida consequat sit amet cursus orci. Cras a nisi orci. Nunc laoreet viverra velit, sit amet porta tellus vehicula et. Aliquam imperdiet finibus convallis. Donec ultrices sed magna eget euismod. Phasellus a dignissim mi, a bibendum dolor. Phasellus eu feugiat justo.

Become Your Best Self with Yoga.

Proin gravida nisl at lectus eleifend, eu lobortis mauris luctus. Vestibulum faucibus convallis nunc. Nunc lobortis magna sit amet maximus tincidunt. In ut porttitor felis. Vestibulum lobortis eros at accumsan sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras imperdiet ut ex at interdum. Nulla blandit congue ultricies. Vivamus venenatis cursus turpis sed pretium. Aenean a mi faucibus, lobortis nulla vel, condimentum mauris. Proin facilisis nec dolor ac molestie.

Morbi et volutpat quam, et tincidunt risus. Fusce non efficitur quam. Donec elit purus, mattis vitae purus eu, commodo consectetur felis. Sed ut interdum velit. Vestibulum est ligula, euismod eu euismod vel, interdum tincidunt ipsum. In tristique blandit porta. Pellentesque sit amet consequat urna. Quisque et augue ac nunc tempus venenatis non et ante.

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