Negotiate Your Way Through Life – Because You Can

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I discovered a word bountiful during a Kundalini breathwork practice… and I loved it! I had never really considered myself bountiful, but here I am, telling you that you are as well – Bountiful and that you should and can negotiate daily, because our life is all about negotiating.

Consider a typical morning: You might negotiate with yourself about hitting the snooze button on your alarm?

Is ten more minutes of sleep worth the rush later? This internal negotiation, balancing desire against responsibility, sets the tone for your day.

Do I really negotiate?

From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, we are constantly negotiating, not just in the conventional sense of business deals or formal agreements, but in every aspect of our interactions and decision-making processes.

Negotiations extend into our personal and professional relationships as well.

Check my personal favorite must read: Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss.

Because negotiation manifests in compromises we make with family members, roommates, coleagues, kids, like deciding who does which project, chores or what to have for dinner. Each of these decisions involves give and take, understanding the other’s perspective, and reaching a consensus that works for all involved.

Negotiation is an integral part of our daily lives, often unfolding in ways we hardly notice.

In the workplace, negotiation isn’t limited to salary discussions or project proposals. It’s in the everyday interactions with colleagues and superiors. It could be negotiating a deadline, deciding on a meeting time, or even navigating office dynamics.

Even in your social life, you do negotiate. I choose how to spend my free time, often balancing my preferences with those of my family and friends. Planning a night out or a holiday, involves negotiating locations, activities and budgets.

What’s fascinating is how these everyday negotiations shape our lives.

Negotiation develops our skills in persuasion, empathy, decision-making and teaches us about compromise and the art of finding a middle ground where different needs and wants intersect.

This is how I like to see it: life itself is a series of small or bigger negotiations. That approach empowers us to embrace these situations more consciously (not being people pleaser, for example.)

In essence, seeing life as a series of negotiation is all about recognizing opportunities for IMPROVEMENT and GROWTH in your daily interactions, but not at other people’s expense! Sure, I can’t negotiate a ticket price of the bus, but it’s not about “negotiating” anything and everything.

It’s also about your persective of self! Do you perceive it like that?

Once you embrace this perspective, You can make easier decisions, build stronger relationships and lead more balanced and fulfillng life. Because I see people around me, who do not Feel entitled to ask, express, demand!

If you live in a free society – that should be a norm!

And this is where also BREATHING kicks in, of course:-)

Incorporating simple breathing practices to your life, trains your autonomic nervous system to respond more effectively to your environment, making any process less stressful and more manageable.

Add Emotional Intelligence to the negotiation game.

Negotiation skills are so closely tied to emotional intelligence, which involves being aware of controlling and expressing one’s emotions thoughtfully and empathetically therefore better managing our own stress.

That doesn’t imply we have to sugarcoat our words all the time! Actually, the older I get, the more direct I become.

Recognize and embrace your own bountiful-abundant nature and you will feel empowered in these subtle daily negotiations, allowing you to approach life’s challenges in a lighter manner.

This perspective will impact how you ENGAGE with the world around you, to your benefit and to the benefit of others.

YOU ARE THE DIRECTOR of YOUR LIFE, YOU CHOOSE YOUR SCRIPT, YOU ADAPT, YOU SET INTENTIONS, YOU MANIFEST and YOU BECOME WHO YOU WANT TO BE, because you are here, breathing, living, reading, learning and taking actions daily.








Embrace Balance. Embrace Yoga.

Suspendisse nibh velit, posuere nec erat ut, blandit fermentum metus. Vivamus interdum sem nibh, a aliquet tellus dapibus sed. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc non finibus nunc. Nulla ullamcorper volutpat velit, et mattis arcu hendrerit quis. Curabitur vel quam semper, feugiat justo in, tempor augue. Etiam sagittis est at faucibus vulputate. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur interdum tellus at fringilla cursus. Donec pulvinar tincidunt ante eu varius.

Donec condimentum sed orci vel aliquet. Nam venenatis nisi ut urna condimentum, non facilisis orci molestie. Curabitur vel sodales felis. Nam in purus elit. Morbi nisl leo, sagittis interdum malesuada eu, tempor at turpis. Aenean ac mauris eget magna sodales blandit. Aenean mattis id dui a mollis.

Nunc ultrices porta dui nec vehicula. Nullam commodo vel eros eu efficitur. Pellentesque ullamcorper mauris eget sollicitudin tempus. Phasellus pulvinar, elit sed ullamcorper accumsan, lectus tortor tempor leo, ac tincidunt augue tortor eget enim.

Unwind the Mind, One Pose at a Time.

Curabitur quis suscipit dolor. Proin quam leo, placerat quis pretium nec, tempus a neque. Nullam ultrices orci et massa vestibulum, ut sodales nunc tempor. Nullam eu vehicula lectus. Nulla accumsan nunc mauris, sed ultricies nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum nec elit pretium, vestibulum orci ut, maximus urna. Maecenas suscipit ex eu sodales finibus. Aenean in faucibus dui, eget imperdiet metus. Donec laoreet enim non lorem condimentum, at sodales diam facilisis. Nullam at lacinia velit, id ornare neque. Vivamus sed sodales ipsum. Sed quam lectus, sagittis non efficitur lobortis, luctus et erat. Sed semper turpis iaculis, interdum orci quis, rutrum ipsum. Nam vitae consequat ante.

Aenean tempor nulla felis, ut volutpat est auctor sit amet. Nam viverra, justo quis tempor tristique, sem sem tempus ligula, nec consequat nunc tellus at lorem. Duis pretium, nulla a faucibus maximus, enim odio pharetra arcu, sed pulvinar elit sem at odio. Phasellus urna sem, euismod a blandit et, convallis in nisi.

Aenean sit amet dui vitae tellus congue malesuada quis hendrerit purus. Aliquam condimentum, elit eu varius feugiat, purus velit pulvinar mauris, id dignissim sapien neque eu orci. Duis in porttitor ligula, vitae accumsan est. Proin non metus in nibh porttitor eleifend vel sit amet erat.

Every Pose, A New Possibility.

Aenean aliquet, sem vel iaculis convallis, tellus est auctor est, nec sagittis augue ipsum ut lectus. Aenean nulla diam, malesuada sed dictum vitae, ullamcorper vitae massa. Nullam a eros rutrum, posuere mauris eget, ullamcorper urna. Morbi ut magna ac leo pulvinar semper ut vel lectus. Nulla ac efficitur ex, non viverra libero. Nam varius lorem quis purus finibus pharetra. Etiam vitae tristique tellus. Nam id dui nec massa pellentesque sagittis eget at metus. Phasellus eget diam nec erat gravida consequat sit amet cursus orci. Cras a nisi orci. Nunc laoreet viverra velit, sit amet porta tellus vehicula et. Aliquam imperdiet finibus convallis. Donec ultrices sed magna eget euismod. Phasellus a dignissim mi, a bibendum dolor. Phasellus eu feugiat justo.

Become Your Best Self with Yoga.

Proin gravida nisl at lectus eleifend, eu lobortis mauris luctus. Vestibulum faucibus convallis nunc. Nunc lobortis magna sit amet maximus tincidunt. In ut porttitor felis. Vestibulum lobortis eros at accumsan sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras imperdiet ut ex at interdum. Nulla blandit congue ultricies. Vivamus venenatis cursus turpis sed pretium. Aenean a mi faucibus, lobortis nulla vel, condimentum mauris. Proin facilisis nec dolor ac molestie.

Morbi et volutpat quam, et tincidunt risus. Fusce non efficitur quam. Donec elit purus, mattis vitae purus eu, commodo consectetur felis. Sed ut interdum velit. Vestibulum est ligula, euismod eu euismod vel, interdum tincidunt ipsum. In tristique blandit porta. Pellentesque sit amet consequat urna. Quisque et augue ac nunc tempus venenatis non et ante.

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