Dear Readers

Welcome to Breathia

as every inhale is a new beginning and every exhale is a release of what no longer serves you

Most probably you’ve been taking your breath for granted, just like I did many years ago, and that’s fine. I’m not here to judge, but to remind us all about the hidden power of your breath.

My journey into breath awareness started back in 2008

 It went on for about 6 months, and then I forgot about it for almost a decade. Sure, I’d talk about it now and then, read a bit, and rarely practiced. 
But that’s us modern humans —we start a self-improvement journey and stop because we’re busy  with work, relationships, kids, housework, family, health issues, traveling, Netflix, social media…

And that’s all FINE! 

You can do all that and still find at least 5 minutes a day for breathing practice, because your body and mind will thank you right away. 

Your breath does more than just keep you alive: every Breath regulates your mood and body performance. 
It allows a “quick fix” for your nervous system and rebalances your energy, bringing focus and calm.

Finally, I got serious about diving into breathing, meditation, yoga, functional fitness, after life hit me with some tough stuff several times.

In 2021 I certified as a breath coach, left the corporate world after 20 years.

. I’ve been helping people understand and feel how better breathing really works -something we’re never taught in school!]teaching and spreading

 My kid goes, “Oh, it’s Mom again with her breathing,” and my husband sometimes rolls his eyes and says, “Yeah, I know—balanced breath to destress …”

No extra time in your scheduale for breathing techniques?

Sure there is: I ll show you how you CAN FIT Breathing practice into your life effortlessly because your Breath is with you every single moment- just tweak it, focus on it and voilà,
you are set for winning!

Your breath is your reliable anchor to the present moment, your source of energy, and a key to mindfulness (only if you’re into that Mindfulness thing).

These science-baked, simple yet effective techniques will become part of your life, like a breath flow, just within a few weeks of practice.

Give it a try and see how these breathing practices make a world of difference in your life.

Just don’t stay stuck on 1-2 popular social media breathing techniques, as those won’t bring you much forward in the long term.

I am curious: how did you like “The 5 Pillars Pillars for Optimized Breath Flow” ?

To Your Breath!

Yours Mila from Breathia

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